Solar Energy

Pawnar explains that the “Sun is the source of all energies.” Solar energy can be used for cooking, water heating, crop drying, and, of course, electricity.1 Solar energy is produced through solar panels (photovoltaic panels) to deliver energy to the grid or to a home.

Click the image below for the 101 on solar energy.


  • Pros: Solar energy is a low-carbon energy transformation,26 it has a large distribution of availability and affordability and as long as the sun is out at the location of the panels, energy is guaranteed.27
  • Cons: Solar energy has an unsteady reputation with its inability to store large amounts of energy, the use of solar energy also advises consumers to put efforts towards reducing energy consumption overall, though technologies are becoming more and more advanced with storing solar energy. Seasonality and weather conditions could also alter the effectiveness of solar energy.27

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Globally, solar radiation is considered to be the most prospective source of energy and the most abundant resource from country to country. Though abundant, thermal energy storage along with research and development stages cause difficulties in the success of solar energy.28

World Solar PV Energy Potential Maps


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The amount of solar radiation that reaches the ground varies for multiple reasons. Latitude, average cloud cover and altitude are some of the major factors that allow or block solar radiation. Solar radiation is measured in kWh/M2. This is a standard way of measuring solar radiation at the earth’s surface and is a quantifiable amount of energy in kilowatt hours over an area of square meters. The units may be expressed differently but the concept remains. Using GIS data, heat maps were created showing long term averages of photo voltaic levels for the entire world. These maps illustrate an understanding of the spatial limitations of alternative energies, in this case solar power.29

Photo voltaic Site Suitability Analysis Using GIS-Based Spatial Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Evaluation.

Factors that go into decisions of actually implementing solar electricity producing projects are examined by solar radiation, grid proximity, and environmentally sensitive areas, to name a few. The results are displayed as heat maps showing the different degrees of feasibility of installing solar powered electricity production facilities.30


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